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Marie-Rivier school expansion | CSSDM
- Primary & Secondary schools
- Architecture
- Interior design

Barclay School | Expansion of the existing building | CSSDM
- Architecture
- Primary & Secondary schools
- Sustainable design
- Interior design

Pathology laboratories | HJG
- Jewish General Hospital
- Healthcare
- Interior design
- Research

Pole of Applied Sciences | Concordia University
- Architecture
- Healthcare
- Interior design
- Research
- College & University

New Production Facility | Capcium
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Research
- Office
- Architecture
- Interior design
- Industrial

Renovation of Clinique OVO
- Healthcare
- Interior design
- Architecture

Louis-Dupire School renovation and expansion | CSSDM
- Primary & Secondary schools
- Architecture
- Interior design

Dubrovsky Molecular Pathology Centre | JGH
- Research
- Healthcare
- Interior design
- Jewish General Hospital

NFOE Office - Montréal
- Architecture
- Interior design
- Office

Bureau 100 : NFOE new office
- Office
- Interior design

Centre National Intégré du Manufacturier Intelligent | UQTR
- College & University
- Architecture
- Interior design

Centre of Excellence in Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Care | JGH
- Healthcare
- Research
- Jewish General Hospital
- Interior design