Veterinary Diagnostics and Epidemilogical surveillance complex - MAPAQ
Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

- Location:
- St-Hyacinthe, Quebec
- Completion:
- 2012
- Gross area:
- 7,100 m2
- Construction cost:
- $ 37.7M
The construction of the new veterinary diagnostics and epidemilogical surveillance complex (Complexe de diagnostic vétérinaire et d’épidémiosurveillance - CDVE) in Saint-Hyacinthe is part of the broader mandate of the Institut national de santé animale, which sought, among other goals, to rationalize the laboratory network and ensure compliance with biosecurity standards.
The complex, on the current site of the MAPAQ, combines the present diagnostic functions of the CDVE laboratory with the clinical and diagnostic necropsy activities of the faculty of veterinary medicine of the University of Montreal. The total size of the facility is 7,095 m2. The center’s mandate is to provide expertise in animal health matters and veterinary diagnostic laboratory services, rapidly screen for new illnesses and potentially zoonotic diseases, and take action in case of acts of agrobioterrorism.
The LEED certification process is underway for this project. The strategies used to achieve the environmental objectives are a selection of an optimal building site; minimal parking capacity and promotion of carpooling; minimal disruptions to the site, with more than 36% set aside for green space; rainwater collection; reduction of heat islands; reduced light pollution; low water-usage landscape design; use of ozone-friendly materials; implementation of a construction-waste management plan; and use of locally sourced materials.
In consortium with Consultants DMG and Jodoin Lamarre Pratte